Catcoins are the next response to the dog-themed meme coins that made crypto great. Think about Doge, Shiba Inu, Floki or the latest addition, Dog With Hat. But in this response, the crypto community is giving the meme space a new twist, more in line with the counterpart of our pet animals – the cats. In this article, we take a look at the memecoins that form the cat memecoin narrative. Which of them is going to be the first to reach one billion? 



What Is MOG Coin?

First one to dissect is MOG Coin, which proclaims itself as the internet’s first culture coin. What is famous about the coin is the cat with glasses, which is called ‘The Joycat’. It symbolizes the very essence of MOG’s culture.

Embraced by the community, the Joycat represents a carefree and positive spirit that refuses to be bogged down by negativity. It is all about having fun and embodying the upbeat mentality of the MOG philosophy.

The term “MOG” is derived from the acronym “AMOG,” meaning “alpha male of group.” It first surfaced on fitness forums and imageboards around 2016 and gained popularity around 2021. In internet slang, to “mog” means to be significantly more attractive or superior to someone or something else.

Where Can You Buy MOG Coin?

If you want to join the cat meme MOG movement, you can easily buy MOG Coin. This is possible, for example, by buying it on MEXC.


Toshi Cat

What is Toshi? 

Second in line is Toshi, which established itself quickly as the face of the L2 Base in August 2023. Base, which is the blockchain layer 2 solution of Coinbase, is gaining rapidly on the memecoin fun. And in the BASE ecosystem, this new cat coin has been mentioned frequently.

What Are NFToshis?

Toshi’s hallmarked features are the NFToshis, which are a collection of 3,000 unique NFTs inspired by Brian Armstrong’s (Coinbase CEO) beloved pet cat, Toshi, and embody the Toshi culture. Very meme-like indeed.

What Is the MEOW DAO?

To control Toshi, there is the MEOW DAO, a central part of Toshi’s journey towards decentralized governance. As a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, it functions through the collective decision-making of its members.

Out of all the cat-related memecoins, Toshi is the most professional looking. With a roadmap that sets the stage for a Toshi ecosystem and more than just vaporware, so to speak.

Coinbase is cautious in their promotions, focusing on co-marketing for technology and infrastructure rather than tokens. So this is why the token is not listed on Coinbase.

Where Can You Buy Toshi?

If you want to join the cat meme Toshi movement, you can easily buy Toshi on BingX.



What is Popcat?

Popcat is one of the fastest growing memecoins that has its roots in an internet game that went viral during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. The game’s premise is straightforward: players click or tap on a cat image, causing it to open its mouth and make a “pop” sound, while a counter keeps track of the number of clicks.

With a global leaderboard, the game lets different countries compete against each other and now this hype has been brought to the crypto space. To learn more about the cat memecoin, check our previous article here.

Where to Buy Popcat?

Popcat is available on several decentralized exchanges on the Solana blockchain. But it can also be bought on Bitmart if you prefer to go through fewer steps.


WEN Memecoin

What is WEN?

To finish our cat coin list, we take a look at ‘Wen’, a memecoin that is inspired by the “wen” culture, which is a play on the crypto community’s use of the term “when,” often used to inquire about the launch of new features or coins. The term is mentioned in almost every reply on crypto Twitter.

The coin aims to capitalize on the frequent mentioning of the word ‘Wen’ and wants to connect a cute kitty with it.

The origins of Wen trace back to an airdrop, a popular method for distributing tokens to potential users to foster community engagement and token circulation. Remarkably, 70% of the Wen tokens ($WEN) were airdropped to the community, allowing for broad participation and ownership. This is a bit similar to Bonk, where the community has almost everything airdropped.

Where Can You Buy WEN?

If you want to join the cat meme WEN supporter or just like the meme, you can easily buy WEN on MEXC.

What Should You Know Before Buying (Cat) Meme coins?

It’s crucial to acknowledge the disclaimer that cat memecoins bring with them. These coins, which are not only limited to cat coins, dog coins or other meme coins, are crypto with no intrinsic value. People keep this thing alive or not and the market doesn’t have mercy.

Buying these doesn’t mean a guarantee of wealth—as these cat coins are designed for entertainment only.

The post Feline Frenzy: Exploring the World of Cat Memecoins appeared first on YourCryptoLibrary.

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