Laatste nieuws bericht van Electroneum
Met GSMA voor de deur die volgende week plaatst vind en electroneum als enige crypto hier aanwezig zal zijn is de hype steeds groter aan het worden. We hadden verwacht dat Electroneum al op Kucoin zou staan, helaas is dit nog niet gebeurd. Echter ligt dit niet meer aan Electroneum maar ligt alles in handen bij Kucoin. Na te hebben nagevraagd bij Kucoin hebben we de antwoord gekregen dat het binnenkort zal gebeuren. Hopelijk voordat GSMA zal plaats vinden. Want er is weer een mooi bericht uitgebracht door Electroneum!
De app is al even uit voor Android toestellen, maar de IOS app liet nog even op zich wachten maar ze verwachten dat de app deze week beschikbaar zal zijn in de Apple Store. Het gaat dan nog wel om een Beta versie maar wel met alle functies, inclusief het minen! Dit zal namelijk ook volgende week online gaan!
Ze hebben het ook over over een deal waar absoluut niet over gesproken mag worden, de deal is gemaakt met een 3th partner Dentons. Dentons
is een bedrijf die als 3e persoon de contracten opstelt door advocaten. Dit word gedaan bij grote samenwerking contracten!
Lees hieronder de volledige info die is vrijgegeven!
Electroneum Update
Hi everyone!
A quick update before next week – which will be a very important week for Electroneum!
We have been working extremely hard to ensure we are ready for our week at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona!
10 of the Electroneum staff are flying out over various days, we’ve had a few pics of our humble exhibition stand come back to us (see our Facebook page).
The Electroneum stand is relatively small compared to some of the giant brands that are there, but it’s near an entrance so it should be a good spot, and the most important part is probably the networking. We thought we should get a presence there as the first cryptocurrency to be a GSMA member, who knows who we will meet and what deals we can germinate from here?! We’ve seen a HUGE interest from this sector so far.
I have a number of interviews lined up (including the BBC) and some great meetings scheduled with C level executives at companies that we are seeking strategic partnerships with.
Exciting News
We have some GREAT news for everyone – the (long awaited) mobile miner for Android phones will be launched this week during the Mobile World Congress. We now also HAVE a solution for iOS (iPhones) and HOPE to have that available to install this week too!! That will mean ALL Electroneum iOS users will soon be able to install the app, and even though it will be in beta (a test mode) it will allow full functionality, including allowing them to mine ETN and keep their earnings.
REALLY Exciting News…
We are also releasing some really exciting news during (or potentially just after) the show which I would LOVE to hint about here, but my lips are sealed until I get a sign-off from Dentons, the 6th or 7th largest law firm in the world. We’ve been working on something top secret with them for a couple of months that should be ready to announce this week!! Keep an eye on social media!
Our tech team are working closely with KuCoin to get that live as soon as possible (fingers crossed for this week!) and HitBTC just reconfirmed that we are still in the queue and due to be added (again, fingers crossed) during March. Cryptopia are currently experiencing some difficulties and we’ve reached out to them and will help in any way we can, if they get in touch with our team.
Don’t forget that Qryptos exchange is live and you can trade ETN there. They are an excellent up and coming exchange and we see a bright future ahead of them. They have a great team!
It has always been my opinion that once we start gaining large user numbers the larger exchanges will be more interested in us, they make their money from users trading and I think we can introduce millions of new users. Most of our partners have been waiting for the launch of the mobile miner before they promote us to their users and once that is live this week, we will start seeing some of them introduce their users to the Electroneum mining app, which in turn, should drive our user number forward. I know some people have been worried about exchange listings, but I am very confident we will be listing on more and more as the year progresses and we start achieving our goals.
We will posting updates throughout the week from the show, but it will be a very big week for Electroneum.
New Deals
We just signed another two agreements, one with a company that has access to a further 30m users, who are keen to recommend our app, and one with a payment integration company to help us integrate with the mobile operators, allowing their users to purchase airtime and data with ETN. We’ll get the full details out as soon as we can after the show!
As always, I’d like to send the entire team’s heartfelt thanks to everyone in the Electroneum community who are always there to support us and make the hard work worthwhile.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a wonderful week,
All the best,
Richard Ells
Founder of Electroneum.